I foster for REACH Rescue in Mundelein, IL: http://www.reachrescue.org/

Please support the rescue efforts of this great organization!

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Exciting changes for Barney!

Well, Barney has been with me for five days and he is a completely different dog from when I picked him up on Sunday.  Here are some of the "exciting" updates:
  • Barney got neutered on Tuesday.  He's not very excited about this, of course, but we all know it's a good thing for all animals to get spayed and neutered.  We had to go get a cone today because he's very upset about his recent loss and the incision bothers him tremendously.  Hopefully, the cone will help him heal faster. Here's a pic of him post surgery; we spent the evening cuddling:
  • Barney started the week out "on lead," meaning that he had to wear a leash at all times in case he would hide in a place that I couldn't reach him.  As of last night, I decided to take him off the leash because he no longer runs from me.  While he doesn't come when called (yet), he will wait for me to come get him.
  • Barney is very happy and inquisitive.  He loves to follow me around the house and watches whatever I'm doing.  His tail is nearly always wagging.  When we get up in the morning or open his cage after work, his whole body wiggles in excitment.
  • Barney still gets scared occasionally, but his shaking is pretty minimal at this point.
  • Barney loves his carrier and rides well in the car.  I keep it inside the house and he uses it as his safe place to retreat when he's feeling overstimulated.
  • Barney hasn't had an accident in the house since Monday!!!!  I stopped using a diaper on him post-neuter and I don't think I'll need to use it again.  I take him out on a regular basis and he uses the potty outside.  I'm not calling it "housebroken" yet because I think it needs a week or two to make it official, but I'm very proud of him!
  • Lastly, I'm very proud of Barney's progress outside.  The first few days, whenever I took Barney outside, he would shake uncontrollably and I would need to carry him outside and in.  On Tuesday night, we had a breakthrough!  I took him outside and when I went to sit on the stoop, he slowly made his way to me and came inside on his own.  Since then, he's begun walking around the yard more and he continues to follow me inside after he finishes his business.

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Meet Barney!

Barney arrived this afternoon from Alabama.  He's spent most of his life in the shadows of his brother, Fred, who's much more outgoing.  We are hoping that by having Barney spend some time away from Fred, while sad, will help Barney develop into the pup he was meant to be!

He was pretty scared when I first held him and shook for quite a while, but then he relaxed and began falling asleep in my arms.  Barney did well in his crate in the car and, again, fell asleep soon after we began driving home... this is one exhausting day for him!

When we got home, Barney was scared to venture out of his crate, so I left him alone and let him emerge when he was ready.  After about 5 minutes, he decided it was safe and came out to visit with me and the cats.  He explored the house and then settled in the living room on the couch to continue his nap.
Barney fits right in!
Yes, Barney is wearing a diaper temporarily (don't laugh at him).  He is being neutered on Tuesday and since unneutered males are known to mark their territory, I wanted to make sure he didn't have any accidents in the house.

In the last few hours, he's taken to following me around the house and keeping watch over me.  Barney's tail has been wagging and he even spent a few minutes licking my hand!  I think we're making good progress for Day 1; I'm excited to see his personality bloom over the next week!
What are you up to mom?

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Finn's Evening at the Dog Park

We're really going to the park, mom?

Tonight we went to the dog park for the first time! What a great time Finn had! He was very social, greeting all the other pups nicely, and running around having a grand ol' time. He came when he was called and seemed to always keep an eye on where I was (of course, I was keeping my eye on him, but trying to let him be independent and explore). I am such a proud foster mom right now!
Proud Foster Mom!

Monday, September 8, 2014

Finn: Week 2

With all the views on Finn's blog lately, I thought I'd give an update.  The picture above is from his favorite spot in the house: the couch arm that looks out the bay window and onto the street corner. He loves to watch for dogs and people. Finn continues to love to play with his kong and his bones; he's really beginning to entertain himself and not needing to be next to me at all times. He eats like a champ (as I write this, he just finished off his dinner- EVO turkey and chicken small bites). He loves to go for walks; we are working on walking without pulling and learning the command "leave it" when something grabs his attention- a squirrel, another dog, a neighbor- as he will refuse to move (not because he's scared, but because he's so interested). Lastly, he and I put together a new video. Hope you enjoy it!

Monday, September 1, 2014

Videos of Finn

Finn has been loving his new kong today.  It was like puppy parkour in my living room!  I didn't catch all of the action on video, but here's a short clip of him chasing the kong.  I've also included a video of my niece "walking" him at the campground.

A dog with a human face!

Tonik made headlines last year because his face was so human-like. Doesn't Finn look like him?http://newsfeed.time.com/2013/02/07/tonik-the-dog-with-the-human-face-is-up-for-adoption/